Saturday, May 13, 2006

Dear Son Update

It's been a long twenty fours hours. As I mentioned previously, Dear Son was rushed to a local hospital with breathing difficulties, a high fever and suspected aspiration pneumonia. Dear Son continued to decline, they couldn't keep the fever down and the lungs were getting worse. On Friday afternoon he was admitted to the Intensive Care Unit at the local hospital. Dear Son had been working pretty hard breathing, had not eaten since Tuesday and had been pretty unresponsive. Last night, he was airlifted to the Big Academic Medical Center. The air transport team did a great job and took good care of him. He was admitted to the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit where they have worked on him non-stop ever since. His lungs continued to decline and he was diagnosed with pneumonia in both lungs and Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome. He began failing despite being put on the BiPap (forgive me I am not a medical professional) and 100% oxygen since his arrival last night. At around noon today he was intubated and put on a ventilator at 100% oxygen. He has three IVs currently (one in each foot, one in his wrist)and a central line was added in his hip this afternoon. His blood pressure was declining and unstable this afternoon. They worked hard until 5 p.m. this evening until they could get him somewhat stable. His Dad is at the hospital now and I came home to get some clothes and will return shortly. I do not have access to a pc there so I will try and update you every few days or sooner if I can.

Thank you for all of the nice comments, thoughts and prayers. Your heartfelt concern was much appreciated.


Awesome Mom said...

Your family will be in my prayers. I hope that he gets better very soon!

Cathy said...

Dream Mom, I know you must be exhausted with all this. I have been thinking about you and "dear son" alot. I'm sorry for all these mountains you have to climb.

R said...

Oh, man.

I'm thinking of you both and I hope Dear Son feels better really soon.

He is very lucky to have such a strong mum.

Dreaming again said...

Oh sweetie! you are in my prayers! DS of is in my prayers too.

Dan said...

I'm praying for you, and hoping for a Mothers' Day miracle.

Wrkinprogress said...

So many people you've never even met love you both and are keeping you close in thoughts and prayers. And yep, I'm one of them.

Wishing you and DS peace,


Anonymous said...

Dream- Thinking of you and DS and praying for you both.

Anonymous said...

I admire your dedication to your Dear Son. You are in my thoughts and prayers. Take care. A Missouri Mom

Neurotic Illini Fan said...

I know this must be incredibly difficult for you.

Continuing to hold you up in my prayers.


Fat Doctor said...

Dream Mom,
Imagine my dismay to be home from the hospital myself. I eagerly logged in to find my 'cyberfriends' and found your terrible news about Dear Son. Prayers are with you, dear woman.

HP said...

Thoughts and prayers with you and your family, DM.

Anonymous said...

Praying for Dear Son, You and Dad! I hope that Dear Son starts to show some improvement very soon. God Bless you all during this difficult time.

mary said...

OH! I haven't read my favorite blogs for a couple of days, so am late getting your news. But I want to add my prayers and thoughts to all your other readers. Thinking about you across the miles...

Anonymous said...

Hey there Dream Mom,

I am hoping and praying for your son and family.

Anonymous said...

I am praying for you and Dear Son. You and he are courageous people. I hope things will be better soon.

Anonymous said...

I continue to think of you and your dear son. Words fail me now, Dream, but please know that I care.

Anonymous said...

The entire Dream family is in my prayers. Be well.

Mete said...

Still thinking of you all, and hoping Dear Son feels better quickly.

Anonymous said...

I will add my prayers to the many others for your Dear Son. May you continue to find strength and peace in the love of your child, and know that we are pulling for him. Be good to yourself.

red fish said...

I'm praying for Dear Son and his mom and dad too. (((Dream Mom)))

Jo said...

Big Mama Doc sent the alert.
Your son, You, and your family are in my prayers.
hang in there.

Anonymous said...

May God bless you and your son. My prayers are with you and him.
I only wish I could do more, you deserve so much for having given so much.

Anonymous said...

You and your family are in my prayers!!!!! Remember that God is in control, and don't be afraid . . .

Guinness_Girl said...

BigMamaDoc at Fat Doctor posted about your horrible situation. I'm so sorry to hear about Dear Son, and am praying for his recovery.

Anonymous said...

Dearest Dream Mom -- my thoughts and prayers are with you and your special little guy at this point.


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