Tuesday, July 16, 2013

July 2013 Photos-Our Neighborhood Walk

 Just a few photos after our walk the other day.  I try to take Matthew out for a walk on the nicer days however it's been pretty hot lately. We are just starting to get to know our new neighborhood. The best part about the walk is coming home and sitting on our porch. It has great shade and it the perfect spot to relax. Matt likes the porch too but even better when his Dad (Scott) is around since he can lift him from his wheelchair into the rocker. Matthew can now sit in the rocker on the porch without any pillows for support and rock himself. Previously, he could not sit up well enough without a bunch of pillows to support him.

I have a hard time sitting him up straight in his wheelchair however. I have to use the hoyer lift to lift him into the chair but he's too heavy for me to pick him up and straighten him up into the wheelchair. Looks like I am sleeping on the job here, lol. I also noticed I don't have any jewelry on except earrings. I don't wear a watch or rings around the house when I move him around since it's harder to move him when I am wearing them. Looks a little bare for photos though.


Allison L said...

Looking great! Love your neon pink pedi peeking out. Great that there is a nice spot on the porch.

Anonymous said...

What beautiful pics of Mom and son. I'm also loving how the house is turning out. Great job!

Anonymous said...

I don't know how you do this. Your hair is perfect, your nails are perfect, your house is perfect, you make amazing home made meals for your son, you care for him perfectly. It's amazing.

Dream Mom said...

Thanks, everyone.

Anon-Thank you for the comments about the perfect hair, etc. I wonder how other people do all of this stuff too. I don't do Pinterest and rarely Facebook because I don't have much time. I always say that it takes a lot of time and energy to do everything and takes a lot to keep all of the plates spinning where Matthew is concerned. I am on my feet most of the day caring for Matthew-cooking everything from scratch, making blended meals for Matthew (it's not like I can ever get fast food for him and put it through a gtube, lol) plus dressing him, changing him, turning him over at night, using the hoyer lift to move him, positioning him in the chair, wheelchair or bed and doing basically everything for him, plus meds every six hours and managing all of the supplies. I am up a lot at night and get a full night's sleep about 3 days a month. It is exhausting.

My goal however is simple-to be a really good Mom to him and to take great care of him. I sat in the hospital with him for a lot of years so I am thrilled beyond belief that I have found ways to keep him healthy through the organic coconut oil and food from scratch. I also am careful not to take on too much since caring for him is my priority. I keep things simple. For my home, I have always loved a beautiful home. I keep my furnishings simple and elegant which make them easier to care for. I have routines in place for the cleaning and I put things away when I am finished. I have learned to be happy where I am so I am really thankful for all that I have and try to take good care of Matt, my home and others as a way to thank the Lord for my blessings. Matthew is the best child I could ever ask for-I tell anyone who will listen that he is the nicest boy/man you will ever meet. I try to treat him like gold. He is a lot of fun and we have a good life. He's really a funny young man.

Canucker said...

Dream Mom, been awhile since I last checked in. Glad to see that you and Matt are all settled in your new home.

When I look at Matt, I see so much of my Joe in him. Makes me smile!

Happy Canadian Thanksgiving to you and your family!


Dream Mom said...

Thanks. It was good to here from you again. I feel the same way as you when I look at other little boys-they remind me of Matt.

I've been busy with the new house and Matt is no longer in school so I don't have any time to myself, hence the no posting. I do pop in on Facebook occasionally; why don't you send me a friend request (Sue Hood) if you are on it.

I have been hoping to get back to posting some new house pics soon. It's really hard taking care of Matt and doing all of that cooking without much of a break. Scott takes Matt every other weekend for a day or so and that's the only time I get to myself. I've been doing all kinds of house projects with any free times. It's really different now that Matt's out of school. We love our new house though; it's really perfect for us. We also got a threshold ramp.

Canucker said...

Hi Dream Mom - I just sent you a facebook invite. It will come in as "Linda Hammond". Look forward to connecting with you there.

All the best this holiday season!


Anonymous said...

I never received the invite. I tried locating you on Facebook but was unsuccessful. Would love to chat with you.

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