But the best news is that Dear Son has started to move his feet again. After the hospitalization last year, he was no longer able to move his feet, legs or toes for that matter. I worked for a few months trying to help him regain the movement in his extremities. Over the summer, I'd sit him in the his wheelchair, take off the leg/foot rests so his legs would dangle. Then I'd take a giant exercise ball and gently roll it towards his legs and when it hit his legs I would tell him to kick it back. For the most part, I couldn't even get the slighest movement at all from his legs. I used the giant ball in hopes that when I rolled it to him, the ball would hit his legs and perhaps if he moved slightly, it would look like he kicked the ball and help him move. Nothing worked and I was fairly certain he'd never move his legs again. Dear Son has lost so many skills with each hospitalization and with his progressive neurological disease.
Sometime a week or so ago, he was sitting in the rocker/recliner and he moved his foot slightly to rock the chair. He had been unable to do this in over a year. I was thrilled but tried not to get too excited. He did it a few more times over the next week or so. Then the other day, he was trying to get my attention as I sat across with him and thought he'd be funny and kick the Christmas tree. Well, of course, I told him not to do it, sort of...lol. I was so happy that he moved his feet. He kept teasing me and trying to kick with his leg and actually lifted his leg up and his foot was some three inches off the floor as he tried to kick the tree. He delighted in me telling him not to kick the tree (he likes to be a little bit bad, lol). It was like having the old Dear Son back. He would often tease me by doing something he knew would get my attention and then smiling once he got my attention. It was wonderful to see his personality again. For the record, he didn't knock anything off the tree, but if he did, I'd be excited. If there is anything I've learned in the last nineteen years of motherhood is that it's far better to have a little life in the house than to have a house with no life in it. Children make the world go round and for that, I am grateful. I think 2011 is going to be a good year.
I think 2011 is going to be a good year for you and your son too! :) And I hope it's a good year for me and my own son too! I know your load is very heavy but, trust me, we all have loads to bear, if it make you feel better to know that you are not alone. BUT, the wonderful thing is the gift of laughter in all of our lives, and the fact that your son has not lost his sense of humor is great! I think that it's FANTASTIC and so encouraging and wonderful that he was 'teasing' you with kicking the tree. Trust me, our sons are near in age, and my son would do the same thing, so you can rest assured that your son is completely normal for a 19 year old! They LOVE to bug and annoy and tease their mothers! :)
I am sure your son gets great joy out of seeing you laugh. How sweet!
Well, may you both have a wonderful and peaceful and happy holiday, you both deserve it.
P.S. Oh! I forgot to say that your home looks BEAUTIFUL!
Oh - and I forgot to say in my other message that I wish you both a happy New Year and I pray that 2011 is an especially HEALTHY year for you and your son!
gv xxoo
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