
Sunday, May 08, 2011

Happy Mother's Day!

Here is wishing all of the mothers a very happy mother's day! Dear Son made this card and these flowers at school for me.

On Wednesday, he came home from school and there was a note from the teacher that Dear Son had made "something special" for "someone special" and that he picked the colors for it. Typically, the way he would choose the colors is that they would present him with two different colors and he would have to select the color he wanted by gazing at it with his eyes or moving his head in the direction of the color. I told him that whoever would get that would be very lucky because he was very good at picking colors, lol. He smiled and was just beaming. I went on and on about what a good color picker he was and how lucky they would be. He loved it all. That my friends, seeing the joy in his face and eyes, was my mother's day gift. As a mother, all I have ever wanted was to see my son happy.

On Friday, he got off the bus, carrying the flowers in his hands. Actually, they were propped in his hands since he can't hold on to them and he was so proud. As he got off the bus, a gust of wind came up and blew them away but I managed to get them.

When we got inside, I oohed and awwed over them and he just beamed. Don't you love it when they do that?

Today, we'll take a walk outside and enjoy the beautiful weather together!

You have to admit, these tissue flowers are really pretty. I think you'll agree he's a great "color picker", lol.

Have a wonderful mother's day!


  1. Happy Mother's Day! Yes, that is a beautiful bouquet. And you know what the nicest, BEST thing is? You will have that bouquet forever! Every time you look at it, you will be reminded of his face, beaming with love and pride, that he made them for you. And, he IS a good color-picker-outer! What a lovely story, lovely post. AND lovely flowers!! I didn't get any flowers :( I did get a 'massager' for my sore leg (I have had sciatica for the past couple of months in my left leg) so I got a "practical" gift! LOL! I think my son is tired of hearing my whining. LOL! Well, it sounds like you had a great Mother's Day and I don't have to tell you that you got a great kid there. ;)

  2. They are beautiful flowers! What a perfect Mother's Day!
