
Saturday, January 02, 2010

Back to the Hospital

Dear Son's crying episodes have continued despite medicine changes. I have been paging the doctor almost daily now and we've been trying some different things without success. Last night, he cried on and off all night and I am exhausted. Nothing I do seems to help him. Out of desperation, I paged the doctor again today and he'll admit him tomorrow. Dad's working today and I can't get him there without some help. I'll post again once I have some information. Hopefully, we can get the MRI done while we are there. At this point, I am desperate to rule out anything that might remotely be a cause for this crying.


  1. I'm so sorry y'all have to go back in. Hopefully they can figure out this puzzle and find the missing piece. That way they can fix it.

    HUGS. I know that the crying is emotionally trying...all I can offer are virtual hugs and continued prayers...

  2. Hugs to you and Dear Son


  3. Ugh. That is so frustrating...Hopefully they are able to find out what is going. I'll be thinking of you two.

  4. My thoughts and prayers are with you. If there is anything I can help with, please don't hesitate to ask.

  5. I've been thinking about both of you. I'm so sorry that things are still tough. How you are still standing is a mystery to me?

    What could you use that may help (that could be sent or mailed)?

    Praying for you.

  6. Continued prayers for both of you. (((hugs)))

  7. :( I hope they find an answer, I hate that he might be hurting.

  8. Oh I hope they can find out what's wrong and you can get some rest soon. Things are so much harder to deal with when you're exhausted. Wishing for a speedy resolution.

    Lori x

  9. Just a thought, because I went through something like this with my daughter when she was younger - have the doctors checked his gall bladder?

    Like with your son, for months the doctors couldn't find anything. Finally the GI doc decided to do an ultrasound of my daughter's belly.

    Sure enough, gallstones! Once she had her gallbladder and appendix removed, she was back to her old self.

  10. Oh my goodness ... I sure hope that the doctors are able to get to the bottom of his crying. It is so hard on us emotionally to deal with as mothers. Tons of luck to you and your Dear Son!

  11. I'm so sorry to hear about your son... hopefully by the time you get this comment things will have calmed down and you will have found some answers. I'll keep you in my prayers... Dee Dee
