
Sunday, December 20, 2009


It's 4:20 a.m. and I've been up with Dear Son on and off since 12:30 a.m. It's been a long night. He's been crying out and fussing all night long, sometimes while asleep and sometimes awake. I've tried just about everything I can think of. At 3:30 a.m. I got him out of bed and into the recliner. Not sure if it helped at all, but you'll try anything at this time of the night. It's a little frustrating nonetheless. I don't think the medicine changes are working very well. This has been going on for several weeks. I hope it improves soon. Hopefully, he'll fall asleep before morning. I for one am exhausted.


  1. I hope you are both able to sleep better very, very soon.


  2. Would it be possible for you to get some nursing care during the night, in your home? You are doing a wonderful job, but you need to take care of you, too. I am thinking often of you and your Dear Son.

  3. God bless you both.

  4. Thanks, everyone. I called Dear Son's Dad and asked him to take him today so I could get some sleep.

  5. Hope DS' dad can help you out in the overnights for now, but is there a social worker or case manager or someone who could help you find some skilled nursing help that could care for DS while you sleep or even a trained aide that could ASSIST you in his care in the daytime, to reduce some of the physical burden?
    Also, sweating and cramps and irritability are all signs of opiate withdrawal, and DS might have withdrawal symptoms during the tapered withdrawal period and for a while afterwards. This might be an argument to try the medication changes and some "tincture of time" before investigating surgery.
    Think of you and DS and DS's dad often and hope for smoother sailing.

  6. Y'all have had one hell of a last month. I hope things improve soon.
