
Monday, December 14, 2009

Dear Son Medical Update-Back to the Hospital

Dear Son goes back to the hospital tomorrow for some long term EEG monitoring. We'll be there for two or three days.
Hopefully, they'll figure out what is causing Dear Son's pain. He continues to cry out and has a particularly hard time leaning back. Dad gave him a bath today and leaned him back in the tub (Dear Son has a hydraulic bath lift that leans you back slightly.) and Dear Son yelled out in extreme pain. It's very frustrating when your child can't speak and tell you what is wrong. It's been really hard on me hearing him fuss and not being able to help him.
On a better note, I asked Dad to take him last night and I got a full night's sleep. First one since Thanksgiving Day when I brought him home. I even had to set the alarm clock. Imagine that. Dad on the other hand, was exhausted. He said he was up all night and then moving him around all day when he cried out. I think he was pretty glad to drop Dear Son at home tonight.
We'll see Ped Ortho Doc in the morning and then go to the hospital after that.


  1. I'm so sorry things are going so badly; you'll be in my thoughts.

    It's clear your DS understands what's said to him, at least somewhat; what happens when you try to guess where the pain is?

  2. Corinn-I have asked him that. Normally, if I say the area that is bothering him, he'll smile to let me know I guessed it or do the eye gaze. He's not responding in any way. I also thought about what the ER would do-they'd check all his body parts out to see where there was pain and he didn't respond any more to any particular body part so I really have no idea.

  3. I can relate to your frustration when your child can't speak and can't really tell you what's wrong. My eldest child has cerebral palsy and can't speak well either. It's really hard to do the guessing game. But, I am hoping for the best for you and your son. Good to know you finally had a decent sleep. Will always be keeping you in my prayers.

  4. Do you think it could be something like a slipped disc in his back? With all he's been through, maybe there was some injury...inadvertently, you know? Good luck, anyway!

  5. HUGS, Dream Mom... I'm SOOOOOOOOO GLAD you got a good night's sleep. SOOOOO GLAD....

    Hope they figure out what's going on and find relief soon.

  6. Dream Mom, I am sort of annoyed with Dream Dad. He is the father to your son. Thanksgiving was three weeks ago. You have barely slept for three weeks, while his father has taken care of him on two occasions? What's that about?

    Of course it is typical for the female to be the caregiver, so there is no surprise there. And I know you have expressed appreciation in the past for his father's "help," but I think you are being too kind. It doesn't sound that he helps near enough. And "help" is not even the right word. Your son was a joint project; you all got dealt a bad hand from the universe; and now the father bows out??

    You need to take care of your own health to take care of your son's health, so you have things doubly difficult. Unless you have some kind of negotiated agreement, which I know sounds harsh, I don't understand why your former husband isn't stepping up to the plate. I mean, I feel like if I lived nearby I would offer to give you respite care, because you are so kindhearted and you need it so much. I am kind of outraged at the comparative lack of regard by your son's father.

  7. I'm sorry to see that Dear Son hasn't rallied. :( I wish there was a way that I could make things easier for both of you. All I can do is continue to hold you both close in prayer, something that I do daily.

    (((hugs))) Thim

  8. I am holding Dear Son, yourself, and your family in my thoughts. I hope that you will find out what is causing his pain and that it can be alleviated promptly.
