
Saturday, October 17, 2009

Make a Wish Trip!

Our Make a Wish trip itinerary arrived in the mail today! Yay! It won't be long now until we leave for Disney World! Only a few weeks away.

Our Make a Wish trip includes:

  • Round trip limousine pick-up with a wheelchair van.
  • Round trip tickets to Disney World for Dad, Mom and Dear Son.
  • Lodging at the Give the Kids the World Resort.
  • All medical equipment and supplies delivered to our room (hoyer lift, IV pole, diapers, wipes, bed pads, formula).
  • Passes to the Animal Kingdom, Universal Studios, Islands of Adventure and Seaworld.
  • Meeting with Barney! Dear Son loves him!
  • Extra money for meals, souvenirs and travel.

We are going to start planning our days now with the various activities. Let me know if you have any other ideas. I printed off all of your comments previously so we'll plan from there. I've been keeping a file of things to do and things to take. While most people keep a travel list, I had lists created of, "Things to take to the Hospital" so this list will be a great starting point for our travel list. I expect to complete our travel list in the next week. It's been over ten years since Dear Son and I have had a vacation so I am really looking forward to this trip. Dear Son's life jacket arrived this week, courtesy of the Make a Wish Organization.

This will be his Dear Son's first trip on an airplane. It should be exciting!

A special thank you to our wish grantors, Angela and Laura for giving our family a trip to remember. We also need to thank our Make a Wish Coordinator, Courtney, for all of her help these past few weeks. Your hard work is greatly appreciated. We all look forward to some sun and fun.


  1. I am SO excited for you. GKTW is the most amazing place, you will wish you had an extra week just to hang out there. Truly be ready to be SPOILED rotten!
    Did you know you can fish at GKTW?
    Make SURE you walk up by the main office at night, the trees are lit with teeny lights and the music plays so beautifully. The pathway is lined with stones bought by families of previous guests.
    The restaurant there is SO incredible, they will spoil you past the point of ANYTHING you have ever known.
    There is a wheelchair accessible merry go round!
    Dont forget to tell Mrs peekaboo that Ciarra says hi, please?
    Remember that the front desk has passes for other nearby activities if you want to stick closer to GKTW. They have airboat rides DS would LOVE, and Medieval Times dinner passes for free.
    Oh I wish I could fit in your suitcase!! Hope you take a LOT of pictures.
    OH! There is a computer lab where you can update us at night, and upload pics too. Does Ds like trains? there is an awesome train room, it is so cool, and he will really be able to interact there.
    OH....have you thought to ask GKTW if they have an armchair/recliner that he can use while there, so he can be comfortable in the evenings? They have a movie lending area, and he could kick back and watch those.
    Did you know they have a sauna in the kids bathroom? Its AWESOME!
    did I mention Im SO excited for you?

  2. oh, a few more things to maybe note...there are 2 bedrooms, one master bedroom with a king sized bed, and another huge room with 2 twins. There is also a pullout in the living room. You and Dad maybe could each take a twin, and give DS the big bed? what about rails etc for him, will he need them? make sure you sign up for the nighttime tuck in. The GKTW mascots arrive on a golfcart and will come in and tuck him in and play with him. and you and dad can get him settled and then order up free yummy pizzas...they deliver them on golfcart too! (with sodas)

  3. oh poop, one more thing...there is a walmart literally a mile up the street.

  4. Animal Kingdom is PHENOMENAL. It is so much more than a zoo, you really feel like you are in Asia and Africa. It's just amazing. And the pizza at Pizzafari is great for you and Dear Son's dad. :) It's a beautiful place--be sure to take lots of pictures.
    I am so glad for all of you! Enjoy!!

  5. I understand what all this means to a certain extent, and your story means so much to me. I just posted on my blog a post that references your trip, and I want you to know that I am so very happy for your son and you and your husband. I don't want you to take my mention the wrong way as I have great admiration for you. Your story and posts have meant a lot to me in the brief time I've been reading, and when I wrote that I was tired of being sad because of all the sad stories on the blogs I read, I do not mean that I don't want to feel what you are going through. By far, your story is the most important to me for many reasons. I have met a couple of mothers whose children suddenly fell down in kindergarten and were subsequently dx-ed with neurodegenerative disorders, and the mothers couldn't handle it like you are. Thank you for writing.

    Also, I really like the place setting pictures in prior posts. Thanks. It's such a nice balance in a blog.

    Congratulations on the trip!!!

  6. Take TONS of pictures for us!

  7. Epcot has a really lovely aquarium. The last time we were there a local university was doing behavioral research with dolphins. Every afternoon they would let the dolphins swim in the big tank and explain the current phase of their research, it was very interesting. Even when the dolphins weren't in the aquarium it was full of sea turtles, fish and I think a shark. It also had an attached restaurant so you could eat and watch the fish swim. Have a great time.

  8. I hope you have a fabulous time!

  9. Thanks for all of the GREAT comments! Your tips are really helpful. I am going to put together a list this week of all of the places everyone mentioned so we don't miss any.

    Michelle-Thanks for ALL the tips and the suggested sleeping arrangements. That made me laugh. And yes, we will tell Mrs. Peekaboo that Ciara says hi.

  10. Oh, Michelle, I forgot-thanks for the tip on the trains. DS LOVES trains so I am sure he will love that!

  11. oh great, did you know there is a little train that runs around GKTW that he can ride? He will probably love that! I am so excited for him, cant wait to see the big huge smiles. :)
    Right off the train room there is a place where kids can use remote controls to run little electric motorboats around the pond. I THINK he can see from the window, if that interests him, the controls are meant for kids with physical difficulties, so with a little help he should be able to do it just fine. I bet he will LOVE the trolley!

  12. Dream Mom, I am smiling ear to ear about DS's wish trip. It will be magic and you will NEVER FORGET these memories you are making. If you do get to the Magic Kingdom at Disney, have a Dole Pineapple Whip at Aloha Isles (next to the Enchanted Tiki Room). DS will enjoy a lick and you will too!!

