
Thursday, September 24, 2009

Girls Gone Wild!

Photo Credits: See below.**

I got Dear Son off the school bus today and his bus aide (she's also the aide in his classroom) told me what a great day he had. First, he went out into the community, as they call it, to Jewel with his teacher. Dear Son loves people and really enjoys going somewhere. He has a wonderful high school teacher that is young and enthusiatic. She is highly excitable and he really likes that about her. They get excited when they see each other every day at school plus she really makes him laugh. So today, he got to go on a trip with her.

Next, one of the younger female assistants from two years ago, who was also his favorite, came in to help out in the classroom. At first, he didn't pay attention until he took a double take and realized who it was. Then he perked right up with a big smile on his face.

And finally, as if it couldn't get any better, they had a pep rally at school. All of the high school seniors (Dear Son is a senior this year) wore a special colored t-shirt with their last name on the back for the pep rally. They went down to the gym at the end of the day however his absolute, favorite part, was the high school girls dance team. He had a big smile on his face when all of the girls ran out on the floor to perform. He really enjoyed their routine. What high school guy doesn't like that?

His aide said that he was really happy all day and it was the happiest she has seen him in a long time. I think the ladies had everything to do with that.

Once I brought him in the house after getting him off of the bus, I talked to him about all of the fun things he did today. I started dancing like I thought the girls might and saying some cheers like they do at the pep rallies and he started cracking up. I haven't seen him laugh that hard in a while. Nothing like a big old belly laugh! That doesn't happen very often at 17! I guess it can be pretty funny when you Mom does that kind of thing. Either way, it was definitely worth it!

Overall, he seems much better. His seizures are a lot better! He hasn't had any seizures on the bus in over two weeks. He is having very few at home, just a handful at night sometimes but overall nothing like it had been just a month ago. The medicine and the vagus nerve stimulator increases appear to have worked.

Only a few more weeks until our Make a Wish trip to Disney! We are looking forward to it.
**Dear Son has a progressive neurological disease and suffers from seizures, dystonia and severe mental retardation due to a random mutation of the ARX gene.
**Photo Credits: This is a random image of a high school girls dance team, that I got off the internet. This dance team is in no way affiliated with Dear Son, the post title, or anything on this blog. He does not attend that high school nor do we live in that state.


  1. That is so great to hear. What a wonderful entry. :) One of the things I've noticed is that when life isn't 'normal', good, normal days are something to cherish.

  2. Loved the story. Pictured you breaking out your moves and him laughing, got me chuckling. Glad he's doing better.

  3. That's so nice to hear. Glad he's doing well after the difficult times earlier in the year.

    Lori x

  4. What a delightful day for him! I'll be grinning all afternoon, just thinking about it all - I just love your telling about what a flirt he is! I was thinking of you recently as I wrote a story for our company Web site on the Make A Wish foundation and a wish they granted for one of our employees' daughters. It gave the whole family so many positive things to focus on during a time of grave illness. The family now supports our local Make A Wish walk and you can bet I'll be going there to walk and support the cause on Saturday! Thanks again for telling us about Dear Son's great day with all the ladies!

  5. Thanks, everyone!

    Anne- I am glad you liked the story! The Make A Wish foundation is just wonderful for these kids. We, as normal people, have the opportunity to experience so much joy in our lives whereas these children, have such challenges. It's hard for them to do things and it's hard to do things with them sometimes: the logistics, the lifting, the illness, all of those things impact their ability to have many of the experiences that we do. For that trip, the Make a Wish people make it easy-easy for us as parents to do things with them and easy for them as children to enjoy things that come so easily for us.

    I love seeing joy in Dear Son face and in his heart. I can't wait for our trip.

  6. Hey, is the planning on the trip going? We want updates!

  7. Anon-I'll write a post with updates soon.
