
Saturday, February 21, 2009


I wanted to apologize for the delay in postings. I have been extremely busy working this week and there has been some family issues. My older sister has colon cancer and is dying. Recently, the cancer had spread to the other organs, namely the liver, lungs and now the brain. She has been in and out of the hospital a lot since Thanksgiving and started hospice around Christmas. They said that she is deteriorating fast and expect that death is imminent (2-30 days tops). They have told us to begin funeral preparation.

I spoke with her briefly on Thursday evening and the confusion has set in. I could no longer understand her words. It was probably my last conversation with her. It has been difficult imagining that I will not be able to speak with her again. Family members visited today. I will not be able to visit until Monday or Tuesday, once Dear Son is back in school. I can not get out with him on my own anymore without a wheelchair van.

We have a strong history of colon cancer in our family. My mother had colon cancer and had surgery to remove it; she has been cancer free for five years now. My aunt (mother's sister) died of colon cancer last year. She had it twenty years prior and beat it and it came back and she died last year.

Dear Son continues to do well in school and seems very happy however he has been experiencing some severe choking episodes at night making it difficult for him to sleep. I have been up with him almost once an hour every night for the last week and am worried he is going to aspirate. I am not clear as to whether the choking is a result of seizure activity or more deterioration however I remain concerned since the Scopolamine patch he has been wearing to dry up secretions does not seem to be impacting these episodes. I worry that if this continues, we may need to try other more invasive procedures. He continues to have issues with seizures as well outside of these episodes.

As for writing, I have been unable to focus on blogging with this activity. I have attempted to write however I can't seem to concentrate very well with these issues.

Thank you for your continued interest in Dear Son.


  1. I am sorry to hear about the tough times. It seems that things hit all at once. We are always torn between one thing and another...the child or the family. Hang in there.

  2. hugs, thoughts and prayers during this difficult time...

  3. Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers during this difficult time-

  4. I am sorry you are going through such a rough time.


  5. I'm sorry to hear about your sister. It is a tough thing for all of you. My thoughts and prayers will be with you and your family.


  6. Dear Dream Mom, Dear Son and Wiggles,
    It must be tough for you all at the moment, with so many challenges within your family. Sending you a little piece of summer, by blowing kisses to you in our backyard.

    Julie and Poppy Q

  7. Don't worry about us, just remember you're in our thoughts. Love and peace to you and yours.

  8. Your resilience in the face of these monumental challenges continues to amaze me. You set an example that any of us would do well to emulate. Thank you for taking the time to keep us informed.

  9. Dream Mom, you remain in my thoughts as always. Funny, you are a stranger to me in most ways, but I feel I know you so well in others. I am so sorry for your sister, and for you having to watch her die. Sending payers for peace for all of you. Hug Dear son for me, willya?
