
Monday, June 30, 2008

Summer Break-No Posts Until August 15th

After blogging since February of 2006, I am going to take the summer off and will return to blogging on or about the middle of August.

I apologize for not posting sooner however I had hoped I could write a bit more before now. Dear Son has been out of school for a few weeks which makes it very challenging since I provide total care for Dear Son, work two days a week and don't have any nursing care. Dear Son has also been having more seizures for the month of June so that is adding to the mix. He started summer school last week for a few hours in the morning and that will continue for a few more weeks. Overall, he is enjoying himself in summer school and loves swimming the deep water. We are fortunate to have a nice summer school program that is adminstered by the special needs park district and they have a lot of fun activities scheduled for him in addition to swimming two days a week. He has three adult males that are able to help him enjoy the swimming pool so he is having a lot of fun.

We have also enjoyed walking again this summer. This was the first month since my back surgery last year that I am able to walk or do any type of exercise and we are fortunate to have a nice walking trail around the golf course and nature trail to enjoy. We are walking around an hour a day most days of the week.

Thank you for your interest in Dear Son. We hope you enjoy the summer.


  1. Dream Mom-

    I will miss your updates, and will anxiously look forward to your return in a couple of months.

    Please know that you and Dear Son are in my thoughts and prayers often.


  2. Enjoy your break and please know we will be thinking of you and Dear Son often. So glad he is enjoying his swimming activities - I know you go to great lengths to let him experience this joy.

  3. I hope you and your son have a wonderful summer break!

  4. What is it about water than makes us feel so free - it's great Dear Son is able to enjoy his swim time.

    And you, Dear Mom, enjoy your summer. We'll be here when you are ready to get back in August.

  5. Enjoy your time with dear son and we'll see you soon!

  6. Do enjoy the summer break. Look forward to you next update.

  7. Dream Mom - I am glad to hear you are feeling well enough to walk and that Dear Son is getting to swim. Have a nice break!

  8. Hi, I've just found your blog and probably like some others can relate in some way. I hope you do find time to return to the blog it has been good reading some of your posts and reminded me that I'm not alone.

    Take Care.

  9. Thanks, everyone. I should be returning later this week.

    Nick-Glad you liked the blog. It is always nice to have a new reader.
