
Monday, March 31, 2008


My apologizes for the delay in posting however I have been under the weather for over two weeks now. I am still not feeling very well and I now have an ear infection. I have been doing my best to take care of Dear Son, work and get some sleep when I can and not much else.

Dear Son just completed his Spring Break which meant over a week of 24/7 caregiving which can be a lot. I was fortunate to have his Dad split up the time with me, taking the first four days so I only had the last five days to care for him. It is a lot of work now that he is physically much larger and even more challenging when I am not feeling very well. Thankfully, Dear Son is not getting sick so that helps a bit even though his seizures have been increasing.

I suspect I will not have another post for at least a week until I can get to feeling a little better. It's hard to be creative until my head clears a bit. Thank you for being so patient.


  1. Lots of hugs to you, Dream Mom.

  2. Ugh- I feel your pain, Dream Mom.

    We all had a similar "crud" last month, and it was 3 weeks before we began to feel human again.

    Feel better soon.


  3. We'll be here when you are feeling better!

  4. Feel better soon Dream Mom. Must be the change of seasons bugs everyone is coming down with.

  5. Sorry to hear you aren't feeling well..I have the sinus infection coming on feeling and don't have to take care of anyone else so I can imagine how tough it is on you. Hope you are better soon.

  6. take care of yourself. We'll b e here...


  7. I hope you feel better soon. Try to rest as much as you can.
