
Saturday, September 01, 2007

Spine Surgery Update II

Yesterday was quite painful. Dear Son's Dad got my prescription for some pain relief filled last night for me. He has been so helpful with this surgery. I had been taking the Extra Strength Tylenol but it wasn't helping much. Prior to filling it, we stopped in at the Respite House and saw Dear Son. He was sooooo happy to see his Mom and Dad.

It was interesting when we were there. I started talking to Dear Son and told bim that as soon as I could walk better, he could come home. I said that I was recovering from back surgery at the hospital and that it was nice because he didn't need to have surgery or anything done. He could just relax and play since they weren't going to do anything to him. He started really laughing which is his way to let me know that I hit upon what was worrying him. Once I realized that he may have thought he was having something done with all the nurses around, I re-emphasized that he was going to be fine and this was just a "Play House" for him until I got better. He laughed some more. I felt bad that I didn't think of this before. Here he was worried they were going to do something to him medically! I gave him a bunch of hugs and kisses and last night he kissed me a few times and then played his Bedtime Barney song of "I Love You." We call that our song and he is able to hit the button with his nose and bypasses over the other five songs until he gets that one. That's his way of saying, "I love you." All in all, it was a wonderful visit. He looks so happy and right at home there. I'll try to take some pictures of the Respite House next time. It's the perfect place for these kids.

The nurses have been fantastic there. Dear Son is spending plenty of time in this big rocking chair that they have for him. They have volunteers that is spending some time with him as well. I called Dear Son at school yesterday and then after school at the Respite House and he was busy looking out the window in his rocker with a nurse on either side of him rocking some babies. He sure loved that!

The new pain pills seemed to help. I took them at 9 p.m. since I was exhausted after seeing Dear Son. I hadn't been able to lie down much since the surgery because it was pretty painful in that position. However last night I was able to lie down in bed and sleep for six hours without having to get up and sit up in a chair because my leg pain was so bad. My leg pain is gone so that's wonderful. Now I just have to heal from the surgery.

It should start getting a little easier for me after today. One of the nurses told me the second and third days are the worse. I feel better already without the leg pain and better knowing that Dear Son is well cared for and very happy. I can't wait until he can come home. I am feeling very blessed that I have such wonderful help at this time; everything from the nurses caring for Dear Son, from his Dad for helping me, and for all of the well wishes and comments from friends, bloggers and family. I couldn't ask for more.


  1. Dream Mom,
    I'm so glad to hear that you have finally been able to have your back surgery and are starting to heal. I remember reading of your pain and frustration and the impact this has caused in other areas. I hope and pray for a quick recovery and for the continued joy in you, ds and dxh's lives.

  2. He sounds like he is doing so well, and Im glad you are back feeling better.

  3. What wonderful news--it seems like both you and Dear Son's worries have been alleviated! I'm so glad to hear that you are feeling better--you and yours are definitely in my thoughts.
