
Thursday, September 13, 2007

Dear Son's Sick

Dear Son came home from the Respite House Tuesday night and was coughing all night and very congested. Yesterday, school called and said he was running a temperature of 100.7 and that he couldn't return to school until he was temperature free for twenty four hours. Apparently, most of the kids in his classroom have a cold that appears to be going around although none of them were febrile. Once he came home, I treated his fever with Motrin every four hours however his temperature has continue to rise and is now 102.8. His breathing was very labored all night and with his history of aspiration pneumonia, I called the nurse. Since he's had a temperature for over twenty four hours and with his history of aspiration pneumonia, I need to bring him in to the Emergency Room at Big Academic Medical Center for a chest x-ray and some blood work. As his temperature increases, his breathing will become more labored and we'll be at risk for more seizures.

I'll update you when I can.


  1. keeping him in my thoughts!

  2. I hope he feels better soon. Give him a hug from me.

  3. Dream mom, although I don't comment much anymore I do read every post you put up. Im so sorry that Dear Son is sick. It just seems like a never ending roller coaster you two are on. I will keep him and you in my Prayers.

    I'm very glad you had your surgery and that you are doing well, but I also hope you are taking care of yourself.

  4. Sending prayers for a speedy recovery.
