
Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Dear Son's Gone to the Dogs!

O.K. Well, not exactly. The Pet Therapy dog came to the Respite House to see the kids yesterday. These pictures arrived in my in-box this morning with the following message from one of his nurses,

"Here are some pictures of Dear Son enjoying an hour with Cody, our Pet Therapy dog. Cody seemed to gravitate toward Dear Son and spend the most time with him. Dear Son got a little excited at first and then they became fast friends. I couldn't believe how calm Dear Son became and just sat back and enjoyed the kisses from Cody and enjoyed petting Cody."

This was great to hear. I was in a fair amount of pain yesterday and had great difficulty walking so I was not able to see Dear Son. I was missing him terribly and finally called him around dinner time and asked to speak to him. I was crying I missed him so much. It is really hard not being around him or be able to care for him in any way. Luckily, I got a ride to see him today and surprised him after school. He seemed happy to see me and teased me today by kissing his Barney but refused to give me any kisses. I'll be glad when I am better and able to take him home. Here's a picture I took today when we were rocking together after school at the Respite House.


  1. The smile on Dear son's face -- priceless! Cody looks like he was having as much fun as Dear Son

    Not being a pet owner (allergies & lifestyle), there is something wonderful about a very well behaved pooch or kitty sharing unconditional furbaby love -- to a stranger no less!

    I hope you get to feeling better soon. Please take care of the pain...

    Hugs to you and Dear Son!

  2. The Respite House seems warm and wonderful, and Cody is clearly enjoying Dear Son's attention! Love that smile....

    Hope you are doing well.
