
Saturday, August 18, 2007


Dear Son was released from the hospital yesterday. He is doing well and seems to be more alert since the med changes. More importantly, he is sleeping through the night.

We were initially scheduled to be released this morning however I was having a lot of leg and back pain and I wasn't certain I could endure another night. We left the hospital at 4 p.m. yesterday so it wasn't much of a difference to stay until our 10 a.m. release this morning, especially since Dear Son was stable.

Dear Son thoroughly enjoyed the day yesterday, since the clowns stopped by to see him for the second time in the last two days. He had some big belly laughs with all of their antics. It's great to see him laughing so hard and he's always a little sad when they leave.

He was thrilled to leave the hospital yesterday. He laughed and yelled out from the minute I put him in the wheelchair to go home until he got outside to get into the car.

Thank you for all of your concern for Dear Son. It was appreciated.


  1. oh, I'm so very happy for you! You will continue in my prayers!

  2. I am new to your blog, I found you through someone else's. The story of your son has captured not only my interest but my heart. I spent most of my Sunday night going through the entire blog and I look forward to reading more about your son.

  3. I'm glad to hear that Dear Son is doing much, much better and his meds adjusted. Now he can get back to what matters most to a teenager -- flirting with girls and listening to country music.

    Been out of town taking care of my dad and stepmom (hospitalizations and post surgery care). Both are on the mend...slowly but surely, but they are on the mend!

    I promise I'll be more faithful later, just a couple more humps to get over now with hubby's family. Please keep them in your thoughts and prayers as his dad is not doing so well right now.
