
Saturday, February 03, 2007

Super Bowl Sunday-Then and Now

Super Bowl Sunday holds a special place in my heart having nothing to do with football. Many years ago, when Dear Son was only ten weeks old, I had dressed him in the sweetest little football outfit. We had been invited over to my brother’s house to watch the Super Bowl. Being avid football fans, we couldn’t wait. Prior to church service, Dear Son began to have some odd movements (which I later learned were seizures) and I ended up taking him to the Emergency Room and never saw the Super Bowl that day. It was the beginning of our entry into the wild world of healthcare.

You can read all about it in this post that I wrote some time ago called, “Don’t Hate Me Because I am Beautiful”.

As I root for our hometown team today, I will think back to his first Super Bowl, in January of 1992. It was then that we were eventually referred to the Big Academic Medical Center, and Dear Son spent three weeks there. The bill for those three weeks was $45,000. It was there that we met our current pediatric neurologist, who still takes care of Dear Son today. It it weren’t for him, Dear Son wouldn’t be here today.

So today, I’ll dress Dear Son up, in orange and navy, and we’ll watch the game from our living room. And when the half time show comes on, I’ll say a small prayer of thanks, for my own Dear Son, his doctor and all of the little ones who won’t make it to the game today. May they see the Super Bowl for many years to come.

Note: Picture on the left is Dear Son's 1992 football outfit, when he was just ten weeks old. Picture on the right, is Dear Son's last AFO's from a few years back, when he could still stand. It bears our hometown football team, pun intended.


  1. Wish the Bears would have won!! We moved, out of state, from the Chicago area 2 years ago and I sure was routing for them!!

  2. You should have a T-shirt that says "hero" because you certainly are. Thanks for sharing your world with us.

  3. Saw you on CNN. YOu might be interested in this meeting tomorrow about the Ashley Treatment and the AMA.

  4. Thanks, all.I wish the Bears would have won too! Not sure about the hero part, but it sounds good:) I am just a regular Mom who loves her son.

    Anon1227-Thanks a lot for the information. Not sure if you are the same person who called me for an interview after the CNN piece, but I appreciate the information nonetheless.

  5. I'm "anon 1227" - just another mom; not somebody who has ever called you. I thought you might be interested in the AMA stuff since it's local for you.
    Best wishes.

  6. Thanks, Anon. Yes, I was very interested in that however I am unable to make that meeting. If you are going, e-mail me privately and let me know how it went.
