
Friday, January 12, 2007

"Paula Zahn Now" Tonight's Show features Dream Mom and Dear Son

The Paula Zahn Now show on CNN will have a follow up to the "Ashley Treatment". Per CNN: "The controversy continues over a disabled girl whose parents had her growth stunted intentionally - so they could keep her at home. Paula's bringing everything "Out in the Open." Tune in Friday at 8 p.m. ET on "Paula Zahn Now"."

CNN's Medical Correspondent, Elizabeth Cohen, contacted me and did a phone interview on Tuesday morning and requested a full story interview on Wednesday. The crew flew in from Atlanta and we filmed for six hours on Wednesday. It was a lot of fun and they couldn't have been nicer. Some highlights you may have an interest in:

• Dear Son totally loved the camera. There is one scene where he's in the car and we are driving over to the swing and he's very excited. The camera man leans in the back window to film him and he leans into the camera, grining ear to ear, giving his best "Hollywood" smile.
• The closing segment should be the swing, which Dear Son loves, that is located at the apartment clubhouse grounds, which is located on a golf course. The "swing" is the same one I wrote about a few months back.
• The day went fast. The crew was professional, excellent and personable.
• You'll see the new "tilt" wheelchair that he received in November.
• You'll see me sweating and exhausted from the lifting but passionate about my love for Dear Son.
• Becca comments frequently on my blog and I quoted her with regards to her statement here, as it relates to putting children in a home.

And finally, I am thankful for the opportunity to talk about something that I am passionate about. I never imagined in my wildest dreams that blogging about Dear Son would lead to this. I have lived the life and hold a special place in my heart for Dear Son and children like him. I know this is a topic we may not all agree with, but I am thankful that through blogging, stories like Ashley and Dear Son are able to be heard. Each one of us has a story and today it's our turn to share what we've learned. I am fortunate to have a son who has taught me so much.

Thank you Elizabeth, Jen and the staff at CNN for allowing us to share our lives. And as always, thank you for your interest in Dear Son.

P.S. *As a reminder, don’t forget to vote for me at the 2006 Medical Weblog Awards under “Best Patient Blog”. You can vote here. Just click on, “Dream Mom” and hit the “vote” button. Polls are open from January 3, 2007 through January 14th. Thank you.


  1. You know, I caught a bit of the tease for the show earlier and wondered if it might be you, thinking you would be the perfect voice for that side of the story. Hurray! Thinking back on your post about what Dear Son's resolution might be...I have to say, I think he speaks through you and your love for him and children like him. So glad you had this opportunity!

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. I just saw you two on CNN. Matt looked awesome. The great care that you give him shows! I am glad you were able to share your story and I do completely agree with you.

  4. I had to amend my original comment after I saw the program. I thought the segment was very well done and I truly appreciated that they showed differing opinions. Both you and Matt as well as the other family shown looked great and I listened intently to each of you. Thank you for being a part of the program. And Dear Son is way cute ;)

  5. Just saw the show. Husband and I were amazed at how strong you are to lift Dear Son, and he clearly loooooooooves you! Thanks for being the other face of the Ashley treatment story. I couldn't help but wonder if Ashley were as interactive as your son obviously is, would her parents have made the same decision?

    And you're right about his smile. It is, indeed, a beautiful one. :)

  6. Marvelous job, dear lady! Matt is just the most gorgeous flirty boy! :D He definitely has charm, that one!

  7. You and your son were amazing on the show.

  8. Wonderful! Thank you.

  9. I can't believe I missed it! I just now read your post about the show. Does anyone know if it will be aired again?
    I think it is so neat that you were able to go on national TV to be an advocate not just for Dear Son, but for all of our kids with disabilities. Thank you, and keep up the great work!

  10. Dream Mom I was able to see the cnn segment online and like fat doctor and her husband I too marvel at your ablilty to lift dear son. He is obviously loved and cared for and yes so handsome! I love the part where you speak to the fact that it is a good thing to be a man and to be like his dad. Because that is a good and normal thing and dear son can do that!! I think your message is powerful because your are willing to be transparent-- in your writing and in person. There is power in the truth and people will respond to that. Thank You!

  11. Your beauty and your dear son's beauty shone through in the CNN segment. Thank you so much for agreeing to participate and share your thoughts!! Great job!

  12. Dream Mom, Dear Son, we're proud of you!

  13. Amazing. Thank you so much for doing that segment -- I saw it on the internet and was just thrilled to see you and Dear Son so clearly happy and enjoying life.

  14. Can someone post a link to the interview? I can't seem to find it...

  15. Oh, man, I missed it! Can you put it on YouTube?

