
Tuesday, July 11, 2006


I need to take the next two weeks or so to attend to some things that will require my full attention. As a result, I will not be posting until the end of the month. I look forward to resuming my posts on a regular basis at that time.

Thank you for understanding.


  1. Dream Mom...Don't know what you are doing but you will be missed. Please take care of yourself. If ever you want to send an email it is on my profile. Will be thinking of you.

  2. I will definitely be thinking about you as we get ready to build my house! Every time I go to look at a color combination, material or someone starts to talk design I think of you!

    Have a good month! you'll be missed. By the time you get back, I should be in the building process!!! Hopefully have pictures to go. I will, at the least, have a building date.

  3. You will be missed, but I know there are times when attention must be devoted to things more important than blogs.

    Wait a minute. . . There are things more important than blogs?!?!?

  4. You will be missed, hon. But we know you will be back. Hugs and lvoe!

  5. Take care, DM...You and DS are a part of my daily "cyber time". Hope that you get some rest and remember to take care of you. Thanks for keeping us updated. How selfish we are to miss your daily connections but you are an interesting and kind gal. Take care.

  6. Take care of yourself! Praying that all is okay with Dear Son and he is feeling better. I will miss your posts. God Bless You!

  7. Take your time. You deserve to take a break whenever you need to. Don't feel you owe us any explanation. We'll be here when you get back.

  8. We'll leave the light on for you. See you when you return.

  9. We'll be here...two weeks, two months, whatever...take the time you need.
