
Sunday, July 30, 2006

Back to Blogging

After a much needed break, I am happy to come back to blogging. I'll have a new post on Wednesday.

Things hit a crisis earlier this month when Dear Son's claims began coming in fast and furious after his May and June hospitalizations. I had over 100 claims to process not to mention the fact that my file cabinet was overflowing and needed to be sorted out. Cases and cases of Dear Son's formula and other supplies began to fill up my foyer and suddenly things were overwhelming. It look more like a hospital supply room and less like a home which is not good. Dear Son's Dad put some shelves in the hall closet for me and I was able to move all of the feeding supplies to the new shelving. I was able to get through all of the claims with the majority of the claims processed with the exception of a few that will require some follow up calls. In my procrastination over cleaning out the file cabinet, I took on some other tasks and re-organized the garage, detailed my car, shined up the kitchen cabinets and countertops along with doing a few projects in there. I read a few organizing books while I was doing my projects so that helped inspire me. It doesn't seem to matter how much I do there is always something I could be doing. I am not very good at sitting still. I am happy that our house looks like a home again and I have a clean desk without any paperwork!

I also had to hire (and later fire) a Respite worker. I'll probably write a blog about that but I nearly had a heart attack over that one.

Dear Son seems to have stabalized (fingers crossed) and is doing much better than he had been earlier this month. It seemed to be touch and go for a while. It has been quite an adjustment for me not having to cook for him anymore since he has switched to g tube feeding.

It has been ungodly hot here this month. I'll be glad when the weather finally cools off and fall arrives.

Thanks for hanging in there and keeping me in your thoughts these last few weeks. I was amazed at how many people checked in every day. That was nice. I am so excited to be back and can't wait to start catching up on your blogs again!


  1. Glad you are back Dream Mom, organized and on top of your paper work!! I am sooo glad to hear that Dear Son is doing much better and anxious to hear your respite story--I have a few of those myself! I am sorry to hear about your back though--it is always easier said than done when we say --Take care of yourself--I will pray that you find relief soon!!

  2. glad you're back and that you and DS have enjoyed a little peace.

  3. Of course we check in...we care about you both.

  4. Yayayayayayayay!!!!!!!!!! You're back!!!!!!!!!! We missed you!!!!!!!!!!!

    And can I hire you to do the organizing in my house? That's one thing I truly suck at. ;)

    LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Give my adopted nephew a big smooch from Auntie WIP!

  5. Can't wait to hear about you fireing the respite lady. Scary!

    Are those pics you post of bedrooms actually in YOUR house? They look like something out of a magazine. LOL

  6. I'm so glad to know you are back. I sure checked everyday for you. Your room looks like a picture, it is beautiful. I bet your home is spotless. I'm sure glad that dear son is doing ok and hasn't had any more hospitalizations. Keeping my fingers crossed that the good news continues.

  7. Thanks for the nice welcome back!

    WIP-I'll help you anytime!
    Thatgirl-You are so right about those claims!
    Danielle-Thanks for the compliment. Yes, all the pictures of the bedroom are my bedroom. In this post, that is my desk in the bedroom of my former apartment (I moved from the third floor to the first floor two years ago since it was more wheelchair accessible.) I purchased the desk specifically to fit in the bay window; I fell in love with the desk the first time I saw it and bought it on the spot. I still have the desk of course but this unit does not have a bay window in the master bedroom:(

  8. Welcome back, Mom!

  9. I have been reading your blog for several months now. I do not have a blog of my own...I hesistate creating a blog site. I am not sure I will be able to write frequently, since I am starting nursing school in a week. I am a mother of four, and my first born who is 24 years old is mentally challenged (medical term--mentally retarded). He lives with me, and I do know what a challenge it is to find good respite sitters. I am so glad to hear Dear Son is doing better. I especially enjoyed your Halloween pictures of Dear Son--he is so photogenic and such a good looking boy. I know you are proud of him. Thanks for sharing your insight, sadness, fears, concern, frustration, and more importantly your joy. There is an indescribable joy and love that I also experience being a mother to my son, Jason.

  10. We're excited to hear about the respite worker horror story. At least I am!

  11. I am glad that you got your house whipped into shape. I find that it really helps me mentally to have everything organized and in place.
