
Sunday, June 18, 2006


Dear Son continues to improve. They put on a high humidity cannula today at 100% oxygen and 4 liters so we are making progress. They are calling it an aspiration pneumonia however they continue to treat it with IV antibiotics as a MRSA pneumonia since they can't get cultures. If he were vented, we could get some cultures from the lung but since he is not, they won't get them. They are recommending a full 10 day IV antibiotics on Vancomycin so we will be here for a few more days (they are also treating him with a second antibiotic). He remains on albuteral treatments every two hours. They are starting him on g tube feeds today and we will remain on 100% g tube feeds indefinitely. It appears we should get out of the PICU tomorrow and head to the Pediatrics floor for the remainder of the admission.


  1. I will be gone for the week, but please know, you're in my prayers!!!!

  2. Correct me, please, if I'm wrong, but aren't they treating him much more quickly and appropriately this go around? It sounds like it from this end, and I'm really glad to hear he's doing so well. I know that does your heart good, to know he's well cared for!

    Much love to you both!

  3. Sounds like you're in for the long haul. And remember, when we tell patients 10 days, that's a rough, rough estimate. You should probably have your mail forwarded! Glad he's doing better.

  4. Glad to hear that Dear Son is responding well to treatment and things are moving along a little smoother this time around. Hope you can get some rest! You know they say "What doesn't kill you makes you stronger" Just think one day you will be Hercules!!!

  5. I agree, this time they seem to have hit the ground running as far as treatment is concerned!

    Is DS awake at all, or opening his eyes. Always remember, even if he isn't acting like he knows you are there, he can hear you.

    He knows.

  6. I'm glad to hear that things are improving.


  7. Hon, I've been out of town. So sorry to hear about another pneumonia bout. You, my dear, and dear son are definitely in my thoughts and prayers. hugs, hugs, and more hugs...
