
Thursday, June 15, 2006

About Dear Son

Dear Son was hospitalized yesterday for respiratory distress. He was admitted around 11 a.m. however we are still in the Emergency Room waiting for a bed as of this morning. He had a fever and was working pretty hard upon admission. It does not appear to be a bacterial pneumonia but they are treating it as such with several antibiotics to be safe. They started him on two liters of oxygen and they increased it to three liters. That is all the information I have at this time. I have not spoken with the doctors today.

I will not be posting until we are home. I do have a Father's Day post nearly completed and hopefully will be able to post it this weekend.

Thank you for your support and concern.

P.S. I spoke with several physicians throughout the day. Dear Son has been moved to the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit this afternoon and continues to work hard. They have him on albuterol continuously now as well as the same two antibiotics. Interestingly enough, he developed an allergic reaction last night to one of the antibiotics so they are treating that as well. They have discontinued the g tube feeds in case intubation is necessary however I am hoping that will not be the case.


  1. Dream Mom

    You and Dear Son are in my heart. Keep strong and know you are supported and cared for by many.

  2. Dream - We are thinking of you and sending you our prayers and ((((hugs))))). I will post to the others to let them know as well. Wish there was something I could do to help. Bless you...

  3. Oh Dream mom...I am speechless..How much are you and he supposed to be able to take? Praying for God to stand watch over both of you.

  4. You and Dear Son are in our prayers as always.

  5. DM and DS...You are close in thought and prayer. God Bless...

  6. Dream Mom,
    So sorry to hear this news. Praying that this time around things don't become so complicated for Dear Son. I pray he starts to breath easier very soon. God love you Dream Mom--Hang in there!!

  7. Ditto what everyone above said. We love you, DreamMom, and we love DearSon. Peace be with you both.


  8. I'm sorry you are both going through this again ... yet alone so soon. Thoughts and prayers as always.

  9. Hang in there, Dream.

  10. It never ends does it... we're all pulling for you both and hope he's feeling better soon.

  11. You are both in our thoughts & prayers.

