
Tuesday, May 23, 2006


It's been a long hospitalization. Dear Son is recovering nicely and was extubated on Sunday. Initially it was a little rough but he is doing better. He was moved out of the ICU last night around 11 p.m. and is now on a pediatric floor. I was hopelessly optimistic that we might be leaving in a few days or so, since we are on day 11/14 of our last antibiotic but that is not the case.

Ped Neuro Doc came in today to discuss the hospitalization. He said Dear Son is lucky to be alive because most people don't recover from a staph infection like this one. Dear Son is highly unusual because he didn't get an abscess formation in the chest. The typical hospitalization for this is four weeks and recovery is two to three months. We will probably be here another two weeks. The EEG looked good and other than the fact that we are not going home for a while, things are o.k. Dear Son is easily exhausted as expected and feeding through the g tube. I am not sure when he will be able to feed orally. He is happy though and so am I. He loved listening to Gretchen Wilson today and laughed when her song, "Here For The Party" played. I kissed him a million times on the cheek today which I couldn't do when he had the vent on.

I miss being home.


  1. I was happy to read this update, it's good to know he is getting better daily and now out of ICU. You must be exhauted. Still sending you many thoughts and Prayers.

  2. I'm so glad it's an extended stay rather than the alternative!

    My prayers remain with you, I hope you can feel them!


  3. Bless your heart. Keep your chin up - you'll be home soon.

  4. I imagine we'll ALL be "Here for the Party" when you all come home again. :)

    Still with you both,

  5. So happy to hear this news Dream Mom. I know how encouraging it must be to have Dear Son back and responding to the people and things that he loves. Hang in there--there is no place like home --and hopefully you will both be back there soon!

  6. I am glad that he is out of the ICU! I know how hard long hospital stays can be. Hopefully this one will be over sooner than later.

  7. You're getting there, Dream Mom... one day at a time! Hugs to you, all the way from Manchester UK.

  8. So glad to hear that things continue to improve.

    I continue to hold your family up in my prayers.


  9. I'm new to your blog but want to wish you all the best for you and your son. I am so glad he is doing better.

  10. Glad to hear things are getting better. A laugh is a wonderful sign. Hopefully you'll both be home soon.

  11. Glad to hear that Dear Son is feeling happy again. Even if he must stay longer in hospital.

    Good wishes to the two of you.


  12. Wonderful news!!!
