
Saturday, May 27, 2006


Dear Son was released from the hospital today. He is breathing on his own and appears to be doing quite well. He will continue g tube feeds for a while until it is safe for him to eat via mouth. I will perform the respiratory therapy and physical therapy will be scheduled soon in our home. I still can't believe that he survived this ordeal. I am a very lucky woman.

I am happy to be at home and even happier to sleep in my own bed tonight after sleeping on hospital chairs/beds for almost three weeks now.

Thank you for all of your prayers and continued support. I am certain it made a difference in his recovery. After some much needed rest, I should be back to my regular blogging early next week.


  1. Oh wonderful!!!! I'm so very glad!!!!

  2. Fantastic news! Hugs and prayers for a speedy recovery and a peaceful summer.

  3. Oh! This is just the best news!

    I'm so glad that dear son is doing so much better. And hooray for sleeping in your own bed.

    Sweet dreams.

  4. What a lovely room!

    Great to hear you are both home.

  5. Ah, I can't imagine how good it must feel to be HOME!!! There really is no place like it, is there?

  6. I am doing the happy dance for you!! Enjoy a good rest in your bed.

  7. So glad to hear that Dear Son is home. Please don't forget to take care of yourself...Hugs and mucho love to you both!

  8. There is nothing like sleeping in your own bed with the family safe and sound under the same roof! Great news!

  9. So happy to hear you and Dear Son are home. Praying that he continues to feel better and that you get some rest.

  10. Still praying...

    to give thanks for Dear Son's progress.
    for your own health and strength.
