
Sunday, February 19, 2006

Dr. Rey, Hayley Rey and Me

Channel surfing the other evening led to me to Dr. 90210. Dr. Rey is the babe plastic surgeon on the show who concentrates primarily on young women in need of oversize breast implants. Dr. 90210 might be like a modern day Brady Bunch only instead of the three lovely girls, he has lots of lovely girls. In the Brady Bunch days, there would inevitably be a problem that was always solved in thirty minutes. We liked those shows for the simple reason that all the problems were solved so quickly. Unlike the old sitcoms where there was a new problem every week, it’s pretty much the same problem every week that is always resolved with Dr. Rey urging the women to go with the 500 cc implants. The show ends with the woman coming back in to see Dr. Rey and he asks her to remove her blouse where he admires his work and tells her she looks beautiful.

Today’s topic is Hayley, Dr. Rey’s wife. It appears that Hayley has a problem because she has dropped to 88 pounds. In this episode, Dr. Rey is going to find out “how” Hayley has gotten so thin (usually it’s calories in/calories out). Apparently, this is unlike the rest of the world because we usually don’t devote shows on “how” people got fat (O.K. Super Size Me is the exception) but this is a major problem.

The show shows Hayley pulling a scale out from under her sink in the middle of the afternoon and stepping on the scale. Hayley has on heavy jeans and a top. The thick jeans cause the scale to register at a full 88 pounds. Hayley gets off the scale and puts it away. This to me is not normal. I would never, ever just get “on” the scale. I get up in the morning and proceed with the “ritual”. The ritual involves making certain that I eliminate every possible thing that might contribute to a “false” reading. When I get on the scale, I never ever wear shoes. Not only do I not wear shoes, I weigh totally naked. While Hayley only weighed once, I might choose to weigh multiple times. If, for example, the scale did not record an “accurate” weigh in, I might choose to take the best two out of three weigh ins. I also would never weigh, in the middle of the afternoon.

Hayley knows she is not eating so she decides to keep a food diary. Her food diary, as far as I could see, consists of approximately ten days worth of eating on an 8.5 x 11 inch page. This is unlike my food journal which starts on an 8.5 x 11 inch sheet and sometimes goes on to the back side, depending on how things are going. Mine however, is only for “one” day. In the event that I don’t eat for a day, otherwise known as a “sick” day for you thin folks, I do not keep a food diary. Instead, I choose to weigh multiple times and record the weight in my “permanent” record.

A sample meal on Hayley’s food diary is, “Pizza pocket, Pepsi”. Some days, I noticed she had more than one meal. Hayley says that she is VERY stressed right now and she sometimes just forgets to eat. While she may forget to eat, she is not forgetting to write this down. In Hayley’s case, no cortisol is released and she does not have a big stomach.

My food journal looks a little different. A typical lunch for me is spinach (2 cups), toasted walnuts (2 tbsp), orange (peeled and placed on salad) with honey for a salad dressing. I also have a Boca Veggie Burger (Original Vegan), romaine lettuce, a whole wheat bun, diet iced tea. If I am stressed, I usually do not forget to eat. A really good option for stress eating might be Ben & Jerry’s Peanut Butter Cup ice cream. This however is called “emotional” eating. I also remember to write it down but usually choose not to. In my case, loads of cortisol is released contributing to a less than flat stomach.

Dr. Rey can not believe her food diary. He says something to the effect that he knew she was “losing weight” but he didn’t know “how”. Hayley jumps in and says that he knows how much she likes having a “curvy” body and she doesn’t like how she looks. Dr. Rey, trying to help Hayley out here, tries to cut her off mid-sentence and says something to the effect , “Hayley, it’s not about that, it’s about being happy with the body God gave you”.

O.K. Time out again. First, I have been watching the show for a few years now. Hayley has never been curvy. If you added twenty pounds to Hayley she still wouldn’t be curvy. But it gets more odd. Dr. Rey, a Hollywood plastic surgeon who makes his money helping women take their “God” given bodies and transforming them into the body of “God’s” says that she should be happy with the body God gave her. O.K. By this time, I am really enjoying the show.

Dr. Rey goes on to say that because of her eating, he is concerned because everything will be off-her electrolytes, etc. If I am not eating, I frankly don’t care if my electrolytes are off because I know it is only a temporary condition that will be resolved within a 24 hour period when I resume eating.

So, I’ll just have to tune in next week to see how Dr. Rey is going to handle this situation. As for me, I’ll continue to pay my weekly fee to Weight Watchers and watching Dr. 90210.


  1. Ha! You crack me up. And Dr. Rey both fascinates me and makes me sick. I watch the show now and then and am confused - does he not realize what a complete ass he is? Why did his wife have two children for him? How did those babies grow in such a small body? His shock at her weight is most alarming. I'm pretty sure this guy went to medical school, and surely he sees his wife naked now and then, and how could he have ignored her bones popping through her skin?

    Have a good day, Dreamy. Glad we're buds now.

  2. Hi! Just found your blog and really enjoy your writing. I'm with bigmamadoc in thinking Dr. Rey is an ass. I think that's why people watch the show. I watch when channel surfing and it is on. I can't believe the people on that show don't cringe when they see themselves behaving as they do. About Hayley's weight, there is no way the good doc didn't know she was starving herself. A simple hug would be all it takes for him to realize she is skin and bones. Clueless!

  3. Im sure you posted this quite a while ago as I saw the episode you are talking about.... very funny blog! I agree with you all... it is not some newsflash that Hayley is completely anorexic! As for Dr Rey... he seems like a pretty nice guy but I always find it really funny how he hugs every one of his breast implant patients to congratulate them... while they are topless. Is it just me or does that REALLY happen anywhere but Beverly Hills!?? It cracks me up every time!! The funniest part is they all hug him back like no big deal... wow... that california... such a friendly place!!

  4. Yeah... The good Doc does come off a phony sometimes, however, I do not believe Hayley is anorexic. She dosent seem to have the distorted body image or the uaual tells. Frankly, she seems sincere and sweet. Her husband should pay more attention to her. I think she needs it.

  5. 88 pounds for an adult woman is anorexic with her clothes on. my 10 year old weighs that much.she is sick and most likely will have organ damage if the do not get her medical and psychological help NOW! this is pathetic and to have her be the "star" of her show instead of her getting admitted is negligant.

  6. I'm deciding against you all. I don't see Dr. Rey as an ass. He works from morning 'till night to give his wife all of the wonderful things she has. Including that new 8500 sq. ft. house that she was COMPLAINING ABOUT. The fact that someone has the right to complain because they have to decorate their new 8500 sq. ft. house disgusts me. On top of it, she tends to yell at him because he's not home often enough. Although she likes driving her $180,000 Bentley, $60,000 Mercedes, and the other 4 cars she has. She also complains about the 6 inch stack of bills they have right after she just yelled at him for not being home, although she's the one enjoying those things a lot more than he is able to because he's at work all day. She obviously does the '88 pounds' for the attention, notice the dramatic affect when she weighs herself. On top of all this, look at Dr. Rey's reaction when he volunteers to help the children in Mexico, he has a heart. Compare this to his wife, once again, who is complaining about decorating their 8500 sq. ft. house.

  7. Dr. Rey is Brasilian...that's why he's so friendly. I know, I'm married to a Brasilian myself. Brasilian men also have a strong sense of protecting and providing for their family. The Sleeveless is awesome. Hayley is being a spoiled brat. She can't have her cake and eat it too (well, you know what I mean)

  8. I watch the show occasionally -- My thinking is Dr Rey is extremely driven in his work and Hayley is realizing she is not much more than a babysitter..she like many people who are 'unhappy' with life as it is, try to fill the void with buying 'things' to keep them busy/happy -won't work-

  9. I agree w/ anonymous--Hayley is a spoiled brat, starving herself for attention--she ought to be happy that she has a husband who works and can afford to give her all the good things in life--my husband is a successful businessman--I live in a ritzy house,and have 6 (not 2) kids--and 2 grandchildren--my husband works his ass off, I never see him, but he does come home at night--she should be thankful just for that--get off the pity pot Hayley--do something with your kids--they don't stay small long--trust me!!


  10. Thanks for sharing your comments on the interesting dynamics in the rey marriage and eating issues. You are hilarious and right on. The Rey household puzzles and intrigues me and I can't stop watching! I love how Dr. Rey was doing "research" in Venezuela. He is getting more and more outrageous! Although Hayley is literally starving for attention, she married an ego-maniac workaholic which would make me miserable too.

  11. I think that Haley needs to get a life. If they have so much money why doesn't she hire a nanny and take charge of herself. She needs to be working just to have something else to do beside give in to the demands of the childern. If Dr. Rey goes off on all these trips man, she needs to pack her bags, bring Mom in and go with him! What the heck is the matter with her??

  12. hello guys, I'm from Paris and just discovered that show in France on Channel E ! (new to me). you must be ahead of what I see, we must see old stuff probably. But ! boy ! this women, always tired, doing nothing all day long but complain. Trying to make believe she'd like to be different but just can't cause is not hungry but keeps on the hard work "starving herself" for attention cause her husband has one idea, Being the best at what he does and make as much money as he can. Her huges boobs, her husband asking her for a third child, well I'd like to see that. One thing that I notice, you guys did not mention, This Dr Rey works on large or fat woman all day long (or ex large), asking him to rebuilt their body coming apart because of to many weight loss and crazy diets, well this Doctor Rey is bound to end up with this kind of woman, with a child body.
    This woman is usless, but hey, she makes the show allright, she is so desperate, lonely, she should be in bed but it's impossible for her to take care of kids, at this weight she can just seat. I bet the best time of the day is when she eats that pocket pizza. cheers

  13. Why did dr Rey have kids?
    He doesn t looks like he cares at all.
    Those poor kids will end up in the Oprah or Dr Phil show complaining about having their Dad caring more about his career than coming home and hugging them or spending time with them.
    I feel sorry for his wife and I actually think by his behaviour with the cook on his date to the restaurant, that he probably is gay and just got married to get a cover.

  14. She looks sickley and depressed all the time.

  15. Hayley has no personality. Dr Rey comes home and does the housework when Hayley is home all day! Anyone see that episode? And her logic was that its messy cos they need a bigger house.....she forgets to eat but not to write down what she eats ....shes whingy and whiney, never smiles and has a permanent vacant look in her eyes. She makes compelling viewing, i tune in to see what shes complaining about next because she obviously leads a very hard life esp now she has another dog to look after the poor love. Dr Rey should take her on one of his trips to mexico to renew that womans appreciation and zest for her life cos she acts lifeless most of the time. Bet shes a "starfish". :)

  16. I found an episode last week to be extremely concerning...I'm accustomed to the constant push for the larger implants, but I thought that Dr. Rey was at least a capable doctor. However, on the last one I watched, one of his patients was a woman who competed in beauty pageants and wanted a breast enlargement. When he did the blood panel, he found that her electrolytes were low- potassium and sodium in particular. He told her that he wasn't in the business of killing anyone, and if she wanted the surgery then the salt shaker had better be her best friend that evening, as well as bananas. As someone in the health profession myself, I was pretty shocked; those are the hallmarks of bulimia. As a doctor, he absolutely should have recognized that- I wonder if he did, and just didn't want to disrupt his schedule. If bulimia was what was contributing to her irregular electrolytes in the blood tests, I believe that that issue should have been addressed before any superficial changes were made. I believe that if she did have an eating disorder, identifying it and helping her would be much more important that putting saline in her chest. I was very disturbed that plastic surgery remained the only option for her.

  17. Anon 10:36 You raise the question of bulimia and ask whether or not he can recognize an eating disorder based on her electrolytes. In my second to the last paragraph, I state that his concern with Hayley was that her "electrolytes" would be off so my best guess is that yes, he knows that is probably a hallmark of bulimia, given his "service" area. On the flip side, this is a man married to an 88 pound woman who had no idea she wasn't eating.

  18. Why so much anger towards her? So much hostility, it is like you all think that she is parasitic and does nothing... She is home all the time, he does all this stuff for himself and she doesnt. Thats not fun.

    Because her husband got rich she can't be unhappy because of the material posessions? She's bored, I would be too. Young kids are hard to deal with, and feeling like you don't exist must really suck. Nice things dont make you happy for very long if at all.

    If I were her, I would leave him and get joint custody.
    She should get a job and a life of her own b.c she is a pet in a cage.

  19. First of all, Dr. Rey dresses like a clown. Have you ever gotten a good look at his shirts and clown-like suit? Please, Dr. Rey, let me show you how to dress like a man.

    Secondly, Hayley is a poor, sad, unhappy girl who came to Hollywood to be an actress and married a bozo. He may be a doctor, but he's still a BOZO. She feels trapped.

    Lastly, the show is boring. How many breast augmentations and fat-suctioning procedures can we see before the whole lunacy of it gets dull? I have had enough of 90210.

  20. yeah hayley cops a beating in here but seriously.....she has the means to hire babysitters and do something with her time instead of whine about everything. that woman will never be happy. she wants to be an actress? I never see any emotion in her cept a whiny whingey monotone that never stops. You need to be able to display a range of emotions as an actor...not just one (whiny whingey monotone). She married him. she must have wanted to and she must also have wanted kids just like she wanted the bigger house which she cant be bothered decorating. shes a spoilt brat who got sick of the latest toy bestowed on her. sure he could spend more time at home but then shed have to give up some of her luxuries...huge house, exp cars, designer shopping.....and god wed have to hear her whinge about how she cant buy this or that anymore, how the house is now too small again and how his being home more drives her nuts because she has to warm up an extra pizza pocket, all that extra work my god... and how the pet budgie/canary has given her sooo much extra work too cos she has to give it seed and water and she has no time for all this....bring it be embarassed if i were her for all the whingeing she does when she has so much more than most people and really truly does not appreciate it.

  21. Elvisontheroad hit the nail on the head. Dr. rey is a complete bozo who dresses like an idiot and takes tae kwon do classes? Give me a break, thats for 8 year olds after soccer practice. He thinks hes gonna be some martial arts expert or something, what a sad old man. And whats with the yin yang necklace? Come on now. As for his clothes, where does this guy get his fashion sense from, he dresses like a complete clown. Read a GQ once in a while guy. And hes always talking about going to HARVARD and wearing HARVARD shirts when he only attended the school for a matter of weeks. AND hes not even board certified plastic surgeon!

    But what really pisses me off about this show is his ugly, whiny, robot/zombie-like wife. Shes not hot, in fact she looks like the most depressed person ive ever seen in my life. Eat a sandwich and try some eye liner or SOMETHING. What does she mean shes busy and forgets to eat? She doesnt do anything all day! And as for being an actress, just forget it. Shes too old and she isnt even committed or passionate about it. People in LA who are "aspiring actors/actresses" make me sick. YOU WILL NEVER MAKE IT! GIVE UP!! But you can always be a waiter...

  22. Dr rey doesn,t deserve to have a wife like hayley. she is always complaining because. thats what she is best at.and now on top of that shes being an @$$ beacause she it's not allowing her husband to go see his father . thruth that his father wasnt or it's not the best father . but who is hayley to judge somebody that she doesn't know?if i think that Dr rey can do whatever he wants and he should go and see his dad if hayley doesnt like it oh well! and if she is anorexic is becuase she wants to be like that. there kids starving in the world because they don,t have any food . and lazy people don,t eat because either way they don't want to cook or because their too lazy too eat . she has every thing to be happy and she just doesn't want to be happy. she ask for big house and now she is asking for Dr rey to be at home then who is going to pay for all them biils if he doesn't work? hayley ? i don't think so!

  23. Dr.Rey is a very handsome man and he takes alot of mouth from his wife she just shows him no respect. I do understand why he chooses to work over coming home!!!

  24. Hayley is sooo annoying. It's bullcrap about any of you feeling sorry for her. My husband is in the Navy and many of my friends husbands are in the Marines. We take care of our children while our husbands get deployed out to wars. We are alone on small salaries stationed overseas and you don't see me being anorexic or complaining. I don't have a car or expendable income or even family nearby. If military spouses can manage their families happily and healthily with the stress of husbands at war, then I'm sure she can figure something out with her Mercedes, House on the Hill, and expendable income.

  25. Loggen on feeling a little like
    "if Haley doesn't get some help
    soon, she will be dead and their
    beautiful children wil be mother-
    less". I am glad to see that I am
    not the only one to see that this
    poor woman is starving for love and
    attention from the husband that she
    loves. All the while knowing that
    he looks at beautiful womens
    parts, all day, calling them "beautiful, perky, BIGGER,
    pretty". .. she must have a huge
    inferiority complex about that!!

  26. While I agree dr haley dresses like a pimp i still like him. i think haley is confused...she thought a bigger house would make her happier, but she forgot her husband would have to work harder to pay the mortgage..what does she need that huge house for?.. I think she should have another child for robert at least that will help her add some weight and she can focus on raising the kids.

  27. Dr. Reys wife is a candidate for a heart attack at her weight...its so obvious she is anorexic. Im sure she scarfs and barfs....Its sickening. He is so in to himself that he chooses not to see what his wife is doing to herself. She is crying out for attention. I feel sorry for those kids...a rail thin mother who is so emaciated she has not a drop of energy to play with her kids..just laying on the couch....

  28. Yo, Dr. Rey.... When was the last time that you saw Hayley sans clothes in the light of day? Being someone that obviously appreciates the female form, you HAVE to understand that she has a serious problem with anorexia. Stop working 15 hour days followed by a trip to the gym where you are undoubtedly the biggest wimp double black belt on the planet and get home when your kids are up and you can see what your wife eats, or doesn't eat for dinner. For some reason I like that complaining, incredibly obnoxious wife of yours who thinks that for some reason, she missed her calling as the next Meryl Streep and I wish that I could have her for a week and get her to see that she is a great looking sheila that would be incredible if only she were to eat on a regular basis. My god Dr. Rey.. Stop hanging out at the gym and take care of your family.

  29. i just saw Dr. Rey and his family in Palm Springs. Hayley is not anorexic. She is very thin and beautiful, but not anorexic. She looks like Brigitte Bardot. They are an amazing family doting on their children. They were friendly, unpretentious and regular people vacationing - just richer and better looking.

  30. What are you all saying? You are all jealous!! Dr. Rey's wife is beautiful and so is he. Bunch of.....

  31. Well I read the article as well as all the comments. I truly believe that Hayley needs psichological help. She acts like a little girl. Obviously she needs a whole lot of attention. I feel sorry for her. As of Dr. Rey, I read some one saying he is gay, ha! I've thought of that too. But it seems he didn't have a good relationship with his father, so this might make him look weak. It seems that he fills that empty whole by being a workaholic. I feel sorry for the kids because both of the parents need serious professional help. Hayley is desperatly yelling for attention, her eating disorder, her depression, her insecurities, her dependence on Dr. Rey, her physical appearance. She could use a little make up and a brush! AND NOPE I AM NOT JELAOUS. Thank you.

  32. You guys have got nothing better to do than judge other people. Let's face it - Dr Rey is simply gorgeous and I'm sure a very genuine person. Hayley's cute, petite and supportive of her husband and takes care of her children. So - she's slim - good for her! If you've got nothing nice to say - don't say anything!

  33. Being a recovering anorexic (I was 5'8'' 105 lbs)Now I am happy and healthy for three years... I guarantee you that Haley is mostly unhappy because she does not eat. I know when I was suffering from an eating disorder I was always tired, moppey, and blue. I think if she started eating healthy that she would feel much more happy. Also it is very apparent that she does have an eating disorder, b/c your skin looses color, eyes sink in, and hair gets brittle. I only hope that she can get the help she needs, because I know how miserable life is when you are suffering from this horrible disease.

  34. It is seriously disturbing to see so many people side with the "Good Doctor" over his wife, or anyone else for that matter. Dr. Rey epitomizes Narcissistic Personality Disorder. What he does for his family he seems to do for his own benefit, not theirs. He obsesses over trivial minutia when it suits him and ignores glaring problems when it doesn't concern him personally. His addiction to "martial arts", if you can call his embarrassing flailing a martial art, takes precidence over everything else in his life excluding his medical practice.
    When he wants something, he's entitled to it because of his wealth and status. When the family wants something that he doesn't care about, suddenly he's the poor little Brazilian boy who never had anything and isn't used to spending money. His wife is sad only in the fact that she will not wake up, suck it up, and leave him. No one is going to have any kind of future with Dr. Rey that doesn't revolve solely around Dr. Rey.

  35. Oh gosh, how hilarious! I used to be so thin when I was young and if I read what you wrote here now, it would have been totally foreign to me. However middle-age and with it the cliched middle-age spread has arrived and I do exactly to the T what you describe in your weighing rituall. However, I have one teeny question that has been bothering me all the time while watching this show: doesn't this woman realise how ridiculous she looks with those huge boobs on that tiny frame and why did her husband have her do that to herself.

  36. Haley Rey looks malnourished and ill. Her skin is ashen, discolored and she has dark shadows under her eyes. Although she is many years younger than the Dr. Rey, he looks a great deal younger than she looks. Starving yourself doesn't doesn't make you pretty. Instead it ruins your looks by making you appear unhealthy, similar to being starved in a concentration camp. Poor Haley, does she have to starve herself to get attention. Or does she do that because that is the only area in her life that she has control over. La la land has gone to her head, an actress she'll never be. Can't she get involved in charitable endeavors and make a meaningful contribution to the world?

  37. I think his wife does have an eating disorder. Just look at her head compared to her body. Her head looks larger than her entire body. Sure, her face looks healthy but with money it can easily be hidden with make-up. Her arms are so thin.
