
Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy Valentine's Day!

Happy Valentine's Day! I snapped a few pictures of Dear Son in the hallway after school today. He goes to school three mornings a week, since that's all the doctor will allow him to go. He gets on the bus at 7:20 a.m. and leaves school at noon. I knew he would be excited to go today since it was Valentine's Day. No one loves a party more than Dear Son.

Well, when it came time to leave school at noon, he was very sad. He made a sad face to let everyone know he wasn't too happy about it. One of the girls in his classroom, saw his sad face and came over to him, grabbed his hand and was holding his hand and stroking it and telling him not to be sad. Well, Dear Son perked right up and had a big smile on his face. Then she read him her Valentine for him and placed the Valentine, which had a big red heart on it, in his pocket. He was so excited. She went on to tell the aide about how handsome she thought he was, lol.

When he got off the school bus, the aide told me the story and he was all excited. He was smiling and laughing as she told the story. It was great to see him so happy.

It snowed today so I decided to take the hoyer lift out into the hallway to get him out of his wheelchair. Since he was so happy, I took a few pictures of him. He's slouched in his wheelchair so his clothes look a bit disshelved but overall, he's doing well.

I hope you had a good Valentine's Day. It's wonderful to see him so happy and doing so well after all of those years when he was so sick and in the hospital all of the time. It seems like a very long time ago.